英语单词分类 轻松记单词

admit to

英 [ədˈmit tu:]

美 [ædˈmɪt tu]

许可进入; 承认
  • 网络解释

1. 承认:admit of 容许有,有...余地 | admit to 承认 | admit to 让...享有

2. 让...享有:admit to 承认 | admit to 让...享有 | advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物


3. 许可,允许:hold sth to account 与....对证,核实 | admit to 许可,允许 | appear to 似乎,好像

4. 承认,让...享有:admit of 容许有,有...余地 | admit to 承认,让...享有 | advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物

The two admit to receiving royalties, but say it has nothing to do with their criticism.(两名博士承认收取了版税,但是称这与他们的批评没有任何联系。)
One of its defining characteristics is never, ever, to admit to a mistake in public.(一个定义性的特征是它从不或者很少公开承认错误。)
I admit to being congenitally lazy.(我承认我天生懒惰。)
Some admit to treatments such as Botox - but many deny it.(有些明星承认做过BOTOX之类的治疗——但很多明星说没有。)
Some will admit to hating her.(会有人承认十分讨厌她。)
Up to two thirds of 14 to 16 year olds admit to buying alcohol illegally.(14至16岁的少年中有多达2/3的少年承认非法买过酒。)
Admit to yourself that you are disappointed.(承认你的失望。)
Journalists admit to censoring themselves out of fear.(记者们承认正努力让自己抛开恐惧感。)
He refused to admit to the other charges.(他拒不承认其他指控。)
Even some of Mr Yudhoyono's fans admit to being disappointed.(甚至尤多约诺先生的一些粉丝们都承认非常失望。)
admit to是什么意思 admit to在线翻译 admit to什么意思 admit to的意思 admit to的翻译 admit to的解释 admit to的发音 admit to的同义词